Monday, April 26, 2010

ECCKF 2010

We all had a blast at the 2010 East Coast Canoe and Kayak Festival on April 16, 17 and 18. It was an exhausting weekend for everyone who works at the shop, but well worth the effort and we can’t wait until next year.

We got to reconnect with old acquaintances such as Wayne Horodowich, from the University of Sea Kayaking in Mill Creek, WA.

One of the other things we got to do beside work in our compound was to test paddle boats!! Mary Ross and Matt in particular had loads of fun rolling the NDK Triton double kayak with a butterfly roll! This kayak is available at Sea Kayak Carolina for $2499.

Check out some more great pictures from the festival. Friday; Saturday; Sunday

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Maelstrom Vaag and Vital Kayaks Come to Charleston

Some will say “Vaag” and others will note that it is “Vaåg” — some will go with “Vital” while others stick with the official “Vitäl”. And Really, it doesn't much matter — no matter how you choose to spell or pronounce them, these Mælström Kayaks are two terrific boats that we’re excited to be adding to the Sea Kayak Carolina line-up.

The Vaag 174 is here now — 17-feet, 4-inches of performance kayak suitable for medium and larger paddlers. The smaller, 16-foot, 6-inch Vital 166 will be arriving in May. Designed by a team in Quebec, and manufactured in North America by the folks at BorealDesign, these two boats impressed all of us that had an opportunity to paddle them at the 2010 East Coast Canoe and Kayak Festival.

Call now to schedule a test paddle — we’re looking forward to sharing our appreciation of these new kayaks with you!