Spring is finally here and our paddling season is off to an exciting fast paced start. We are heartened by the amount of interest our paddling community has been showing in our kayaking programs and events.
I wanted to take this opportunity to let everyone know of a few new happenings here at Sea Kayak Carolina. First, we are excited to have added Astral Buoyancy Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs) to our PFD stock. Please stop by the shop to see some of their revolutionary new designs.
We have also added the kayak NAV-AID, a device developed by Dr. Charles Sutherland, which allows mariners in small open boats to easily accurately determine course bearings from charts in spite of weather and sea conditions. It even includes an instruction booklet on how to use it.
Finally, we have just started a new demo program for our high end Werner paddles. If you are thinking about upgrading your paddle please consider coming by and signing out one or two of our Werner paddles. There is no obligation to buy; we just want you to see the value of using a lightweight performance paddle for yourself.
Happy paddling and I hope to see you on the water soon.
-- William