Saturday, November 20, 2010

Folly to Hunting Island: Day 2 — Part 1

For paddlers who regularly set out on multi-day expeditions, a jaunt down the SC coast from Folly to Hunting Island might be fairly routine — but for a bunch of sea kayakers who aren’t used to packing their boats OR paddling 20 miles at a stretch... Well, let’s just say that this trip has generated a little excitement on and off the water.

Are you following our group’s progress online with Paul Shaw’s Spot GPS [no longer available] live tracking?

If you’re surprised that the Edisto Island route seems to have taken an unplanned inland path—

—rest assured that they are, in fact, just sticking to the front beach. To get a better view of things, click on the satellite view on the Spot/Google map:

From the start, day two has been planned as the shortest paddling day. William’s best guess was that folks would use some of the leisure time built into the schedule to indulge in some surf play along Edisto’s front beach.

They certainly have a great day for it weather-wise. Stay tuned for more photos and updates — if the battery in Scott’s iPhone holds up.


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